Tell DEC to protect our families and property values by denying Usibelli Coal Mine Company’s dangerous air permit application.
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is considering issuing an air permit allowing Usibelli Coal Mine company to operate an open pit coal strip mine in the middle of our communities.
Our property values and the health of our families are at stake. Common sense says that it is unhealthy to live near coal mines. No one wants dirty coal dust in the air, constant blasting and over 100 coal trucks each day in their neighborhood. Property values and public health will suffer if DEC approves this air permit.
Tell DEC to protect our families and property values by denying Usibelli Coal Mine Company’s dangerous air permit application.
See a coal blast in slow motion at the Usibelli Coal Mine web site. The dust and other air pollutants from this project will impact the entire Matanuska Valley.
Your Actions are Needed Today! Comments Are Due by May 11th. LINK TO ACTION
Tell DEC to protect our families and property values by denying Usibelli Coal Mine Company’s dangerous air permit application.
To submit written comments contact Sean Lowther with the Department of Environmental Conservation
fax: 907-269-7508,
mail: ADEC Air Permits Program, 619 E. Ship Creek Avenue, Ste 249, Anchorage, AK 99501-1677