2010 Census
Within a few miles of the two proposed Coal Strip Mines live over 14,000 people. Thousands of children and elderly people live directly downwind of these mines.
Coal effects
Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Regions: The Value of Statistical Life Lost
Wishbone Hill can be seen from
- Palmer-Wasilla Highway above Carrs Pioneer Square.
- Colony Schools Way - one of the windiest locations in the valley.
- the turn out at Farm Loop Road on the Glenn Highway, just outside the city limits.
- Lazy Mountain.
Property values for Buffalo, Sutton, Chickaloon, and nearby areas total over $80 million, according to Matanuska Susitna Borough Property Assessed values.
Matanuska Susitna Borough Comprehensive Plans
Chickaloon Village Traditional Council
Chickaloon Village Traditional Council (CVTC) is federally and internationally recognized as a Traditional sovereign government with a nine member traditional council that is the governing body for the Tribe, Chickaloon Native Village. CVTC’s purpose is to perpetuate their ancestors’ beliefs, customs, traditions, and values and steward the environment to help their citizens thrive. The Tribal government currently operates six (6) departments to serve the needs of their Tribal citizens and another estimated 1,500 Alaska Natives and Native Americans living in their service area, which mostly includes the communities of Glacier View, Chickaloon, Sutton, Palmer, and Butte along the Matanuska River. The traditional council meets at 9:00am on the third Wednesday of each month in the health/government building, located at Mile 61.5 on the Glenn Highway.
City of Palmer
5,532 (2009 population), 1,555 homes in 2000.Map, Planning Department
Buffalo Soapstone Community Council, map,
738 (2009 population), 266 households in 2000
Comprehensive Plan is in progress.
Chickaloon Community Council, map,
277 (2009 population), 87 households in 2000
Chickaloon Comp Plan - 2008 Revision
Meetings are 7:00 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Chickaloon Community Hall, Milepost 76.2 of the Glenn Highway.
Sutton-Alpine Community Council
1,407 (2009 population), 278 households in 2000
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Sutton Public Library
Sutton Special Land Use District Map
Pinnacle Mountain Subdivision Residential Land Use District Map
Fishhook Community Council
3337 (2009 population), 730 homes in 2000
Map, Comprehensive Plan 2005 update
Farm Loop Community Council (currently inactive)
1313 (2009 population), 350 homes in 2000
Map, part of the Core Area Comp Plan
Lazy Mountain Coummunity Council
1446 (2009 population), 465 households in 2000, Map, 2007 Comprehensive Plan