Jonesville Coal Mine

Jonesville Coal Mine, Near the Jonesville Airstrip Wishbone Hill on Google Earth

Abandoned Mining Lands reclamation projects in Alaska.

Public Notice 1/24 Meeting 127 people signed in at the meeting on Monday 1/24/11 at Sutton Elementary School, 5:30 pm to 8 pm. 26 oral commentors signed in and commented at the meeting. 10 additional people gave oral comments. Two commented in support of the mine, all others commented against a coal strip mine in the community.

DNR Coal Mine permiting information specific to this mine is not available online. A CD of the permit is available for copies, email for information.

Joseph J. Perkins, Jr. is the Lawyer behind the acquisition and permitting of many mines in Alaska, including Pebble Mine.
Stoel Rives, LLP, Attorneys at Law, Partner
Anchorage, AK
(907) 263-8414 Direct
(907) 277-1920 Fax
Due Diligence and "Best Interest" Approach Crucial in Modern Permitting Strategies

Radiation levels in the Matanuska Coal Field are high. The company with 100% ownership in Ranger Alaska (the company on the Jonesville Mine permit) is Black Range Minerals, an Uranium Mining company from Australia (see Taylor Ranch Hansen Uranium Mining Project in Colorado). Uranium mining has gone through various bans and "open for Business" periods in Australia depending on the political climate (see more at Follow the links above for more information. Article about the Jonesville Mine at Australian Uranium Investing Blog.

What are we in for when Black Range Minerals (owner of Ranger Uranium Mine in Australia, the namesake of Ranger Alaska?) plans to mill the tailings piles left at Jonesville from former bankrupt mining operations? Read about the effect of pyrite "fools gold" and sulfuric acid when it is exposed to the air at:
Environmental effects of mining coal

Read about the Global Acid Rock Drainage (GARD) Guide created by INAP: The International Network for Acid Prevention. Chapter 4: Defining The Problem. See 4.3.7 Coal and Uranium Mining Specific Acid Rock Drainage Sources. There are potentially great impacts to the hydrology of an area even from exploratory activities.

Radium, Radon, and Uranium: Health Information Summary, New Hampshire DEC

Tennessee Coal Ash contaminated with Radioactivity and Arsenic

Radiation Dose Chart, American Nuclear Society

Atomic Glossary

EPA blog on Uranium and Thorium Mill Tailings

EPA Review: Announcement: EPA is reviewing and potentially revising its Health and Environmental Standards for Uranium and Thorium Milling Facilities: Review of 40 CFR 192

EPA Radiation Protection
Publications for Alaska Community Action on Toxics

An Overview of Select Proposed Mines in Alaska
Mining and Community Health
Community Involvement in Mine Permitting and Compliance
Mining and Toxic Metals: A case study of the proposed Donlin Creek Mine
Uranium Mining
Red Dog and Subsistence: Analysis of Reports on Elevated Levels of Heavy Metals in Plants Used for Subsistence Near Red Dog Mine, Alaska (June 2004)
Coal Mining, Transportation & Health
Coal, Mercury & Health
Coal Ash & Health

2005 Public Notice