Local Energy Issues

Susitna hydro? Alaska Energy authority sets meetings.

March 1, 5-8pm Palmer Depot

Is Coal Bed Methane back in the Mat Su? Linc Energy of Australia come to the valley.

Australian company seeking natural gas in Point MacKenzie, Frontiersman, 9/25/2010.

Linc Energy expands operations in Alaska, 1/27/2011

Linc Energy drilling its first Mat-Su AK Gas Exploration well, 11/6/2010

New Gas Well in Mat-Su, 11/3/2010

Company begins drilling its first Mat-Su gas exploration well, ADN, 11/2/2010

Public Notice: Natural Gas Exploration, 8/30/2010

MEA: Matanuska Electric Association

The best way to lower your electricity bill is to reduce your power usage. MEA has a great web site to help you find ways to save. Safety & Energy Efficiency

This is an excellent article about the great work done by our current MEA board to clean up the act and bring us energy without corruption. Good work Joe. Good Work MEA Board, we appreciate your hard work.
Open Letter to MEA membership, by Joe Griffith, current General Manager at MEA, 2/5/11, Frontiersman

Joe's letter was in response to one by Aaron Downing, a former MEA director hoping to get back in with his buddy to Carmony, the former MEA GM who made those contracts.
MEA Terminations Prove Costly, by Aaron Downing, 2/1/11, Frontiersman

What do those former MEA people want back so badly? Rumor has it they have been meeting with our new borough mayor. With two coal strip mines proposed, my guess is they want to line their pockets with coal.

Rumor has it that with Joe Griffith in the lead, there is money for better safety measures for line workers, like snowmachines that will make it out to where they need to go without breaking down. The others were decades old. These tough men & women were keeping the lines working in all temperatures, year round, covering a range of thousands of square miles stretching across the Borough and even to Eagle River. Rumor has it, the employees are now able to breathe and do a great job without fear now that the corruption is gone, and the public meetings are open and transparent.

Thank you to the 55,000 Cooperative Members who voted this MEA board in. Don't sit back, come out and vote this year too. See you in April!

MEA 2011 Elections: Tuesday, April 26th, 7pm, Raven Hall, Alaska State Fairgrounds, Palmer,